Saturday, 23 July 2011

My First Blog

Hello world,

So here it is. My first blog. I actually had planned back in January to start a blog and post a lot on it. It was kind of a 'new years resolution' kinda thing, if that counts as one but yeah that idea went out the door when 'Miss Intern of the Year' decided to make one just before I did. And I hate looking like I copy her. Grr. Just because she is older. Now I'm going off on my own tangent. I don't know what the heck I'm supposed to write on here but yeah. Actually the real reason I made a blog was because of my brother. Tuioleloto Laura Toailoa. Yeah we're cool.haha. So I don't know if I'll use this blog and post as often as I'd like to but yeah whatever. Goodbye for now.


  1. Yay for your first post! Me likey. Congratulations for aquiring your first (and best) follower! :D

    Can't wait for what you have in stored. And I'll harass you if you don't post often. hehehe


  2. Haha thanks for commenting and following. I'm glad you Yip I give you permission to harass me about this blog thingy but that's all. Haha thanks brother bear xxx

  3. So.. you copy me anyway. I think it was
    "Best Intern EVER". But yeah.. whatever. P.S. You owe me a frozen coke.

  4. sweet blog olivia!!

    you've got a long way to go before you'll be "best intern ever" aimee :) and you still owe me 2 v's..

  5. Welcome to blogging! You guys have this 'Blog n Bake' club going on aye. I like it :)

  6. Haha yeah thanks Sina :) I think we certainly do. just to make other people jealous? (Although i'm not sure if our baking is that Glad you like it though. And thanks everyone else for the encouragement :)
