Sunday, 23 October 2011

Technology and Trends

(Sorry, lame title. Couldn't think of what to name it. Whatever. Okay, just read the post now. Thanks :D)

I was watching A Cinderella Story with Aimee and there was a part that set us off in this whole random thing. I dunno we haven't watched it in a while and yeah besides the fact that it's one of my favs, it was funny 'analysing' it.

So do you ever think about the future? Like when you'll have kids and stuff. I dunno, it seems kinds weird to think about that but hmm, guess that's what girls do, huh? Or at least me.

Yeah so we were talking about what this movie would be like if our kids, in like 20 years watched this.

Like when Sam texts LOL meaning laugh out loud in response to Austin's text about the teacher, she genuinely means LOL, and isn't just saying it to fill a text message. Haha. Imagine nowadays, hypothetically if you were texting your crush or whatever and said LOL and that was all you said. They'd most probably be like 'lame, haha' - then no reply... hahaha. But more to the point of this post, imagine if in 20 years our kids saw this text and they would be like 'huh? what does that mean - oh that's not funny' ... or whatever, it sounded cooler in my :P

Or you know like 'what is that thing?' referring to a typically cool cellphone when this film was made.

The second thing I picked up on was the computers. I mean, you barely even see these anymore!? So like will kids know what computers are since technology is changing ever so quickly. I mean, 15-20 years ago we didn't have all the things we do today so what's it gonna be like in another decade or two. Hm, these poor kids are not gonna understand some of the best films ever made.haha. Maybe that's a bit far but whatever.

So yeah, that was my rambling on about one of my favourite movies and just for you here's our favourite part of the movie. Aimee likes it for the lights and candles (wow, new information!) and I like it for those things and her dress and yeah it's just so cute. Maybe that's why I've always wanted to go to a masquerade ball..? Oh well, I love it!

Never let the fear of striking out, keep you from playing the game.

Tuesday, 11 October 2011

To be called a Princess...

It's always great being reminded of who you are. It is so easy to get 'lost in the crowd' or feel alone and scared because every second person you see is dealing with things whether they show it or not. Lately I've been thinking, gosh I really don't wanna grow up. I just want to be a child with no responsibilities, with nothing holding me back from just being a kid. I don't wanna think about my future and what I'm gonna do for the rest of my life because it seems too hard. Tonight Paul shared his testimony at youth and it was really inspiring for me. It's funny how you can look at someone and think you know everything about them until they talk about their lives and you realise that you were wrong. See, I thought Paul was pretty much like Stephen, with everything together and what not but when he shared about his youth and it reminded me of my own life. I mean, I don't steal things and I'm not a rebellious child but I could relate to some of the things he was sharing about.

Here's some of my favourite parts from tonight...

1. God sees the individual, not the crowd. And it's funny that this is the thing to stand out for me because I've heard this all my life and I've known it, but not actually heard it till now, if you understand what I mean. Sandra was talking about it in lifegroup tonight and she was saying how in our generation it's so easy to feel like one of the crowd, because that's who we wanna be. It's like we don't wanna to stand out and be an 'individual' because that's tough and it's easier to blend in but even when we do this, God still sees us and loves us the same.

2. God loves me as I am. Paul also shared about how he forced himself to be the best rugby player because that's what got his father's attention, and for me I kind of felt like I've always tried to be the best at school work because that's all I can do. I hated getting bad marks from test papers and still do that I would often end up crying and I was reminded tonight that all those tears were for nothing because God accepts me for who I am. He loves me, not because I am perfect but because I am his child, his daughter and he sees me as I am. As me.

3. I am his princess! Going into this year as a youth group leader, God gave me a vision of women of God as princesses by his side and through all of the crap that's been going on in my life I forgot about who He was. God reminded me that I am his precious daughter and that he will provide everything I need. I think the vision he gave me was something I needed to grasp first and I know that through all of my troubles he is with me. Right by my side. I am his precious daughter. His loved one. His PRINCESS!

Monday, 10 October 2011

When Boredom Strikes...

So I actually have no idea where this post will go but meh I haven't blogged in a while so here we go...

Ever notice that when 'holidays' swing by there is always someone who is like "Mum, what are we doing today? I'm bored." then minutes later is like "Mum, we never do anything. It's the holidays!!" Well, this was me a few years ago and is still currently Rose (my little sister) but I've come to realise over the past few holiday breaks that boredom is a-okay. I think I would much rather be bored in my holidays than have to do piles of homework and stuff for school. This is because these 'holidays' are not actually a holiday, it is more like a two week study break in which I am suppose to revise a years worth of content for all six of my subjects to prepare myself for the mind draining, boring exams in November which pretty much determine my future (since NCEA Level Two is the most important part of my education as school likes to tell me). So that is enough of my rambling on about school and stuff. Yeah.

Now what have I actually been up to..

Well, there is this girl called Uli who I've been hanging out with. She is from Germany and is doing a world trip and New Zealand was one of her places to come to. Cool huh? Yeah. So on Saturday, Aimee and I took her into town to see the Sky Tower which overlooks Auckland City.

 So this is me, my sister Aimee on the left and Uli in the middle waiting for the train. I had to take the photo which is why I look weird. Haha.

 Up in the Sky Tower. Standing on the glass. Everyone takes this photo, right?

 I think Aimee misses London a bit...

Me and Uli in the Sky Tower.

So yeah that was pretty fun. We also tried to go to the waterfront - like where 'The Cloud' is but we chose the wrong time to go. It was like 5.30pm so everyone going to watch the France vs. England game was lining up and yeah people were drinking and smoking so we left.

What else have I been up to? Well, of course I've been watching the rugby. Yeah I watched the All Blacks vs. Argentina game. It was lame. Hardly any tries so yeah not much to cheer for. Best thing about the rugby this past weekend though was watching Mum watch Australia vs. South Africa and not saying a word. She couldn't choose a team to cheer for so for the whole 80 minutes it was quiet. Hahahaha. Love you Mum. PS. Let's hope the AB's beat Aussie and get to the finals! We didn't have the RWC here for nothing, did we? (Actually I don't care but whatever it would be nice to win.)

And on a final note, I should be using my time more productively - like getting off Facebook and Blogger. Time to knuckle down and get some study done. Oh well I'll get back to you on that one...

Good bye for now :)