(Sorry, lame title. Couldn't think of what to name it. Whatever. Okay, just read the post now. Thanks :D)
I was watching A Cinderella Story with Aimee and there was a part that set us off in this whole random thing. I dunno we haven't watched it in a while and yeah besides the fact that it's one of my favs, it was funny 'analysing' it.
So do you ever think about the future? Like when you'll have kids and stuff. I dunno, it seems kinds weird to think about that but hmm, guess that's what girls do, huh? Or at least me.
Yeah so we were talking about what this movie would be like if our kids, in like 20 years watched this.
Like when Sam texts LOL meaning laugh out loud in response to Austin's text about the teacher, she genuinely means LOL, and isn't just saying it to fill a text message. Haha. Imagine nowadays, hypothetically if you were texting your crush or whatever and said LOL and that was all you said. They'd most probably be like 'lame, haha' - then no reply... hahaha. But more to the point of this post, imagine if in 20 years our kids saw this text and they would be like 'huh? what does that mean - oh that's not funny' ... or whatever, it sounded cooler in my head.lol :P
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Or you know like 'what is that thing?' referring to a typically cool cellphone when this film was made.
The second thing I picked up on was the computers. I mean, you barely even see these anymore!? So like will kids know what computers are since technology is changing ever so quickly. I mean, 15-20 years ago we didn't have all the things we do today so what's it gonna be like in another decade or two. Hm, these poor kids are not gonna understand some of the best films ever made.haha. Maybe that's a bit far but whatever.
So yeah, that was my rambling on about one of my favourite movies and just for you here's our favourite part of the movie. Aimee likes it for the lights and candles (wow, new information!) and I like it for those things and her dress and yeah it's just so cute. Maybe that's why I've always wanted to go to a masquerade ball..? Oh well, I love it!
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