Tuesday, 6 December 2011

Free to worship for such a time as this.

Tonight, before youth I really wasn't in the mood to go to church, to worship God or do anything so when Dad told us to find our own way to youth, I was like 'hm, yeah I just won't go', unless Rose could find us a ride- it was like 7.15pm already by that stage. But then she found one, yeah her friends mum picked us up and so I was like okay I have to go now, right? Yep, so I went and when I got there I was sore and tired and still not in the mood to socialise with people. Sad right?

Anyway, my whole mood changed as soon as worship started. Worship does that. Well, God anyway. Cos' I realised that despite my circumstances, I was still gonna jump around like a crazy person, clap my hands and just be free in His presence. Yeah, I dunno, there are days when I can jump around and praise Him forever and then other times where I just take those opportunities for granted. So yeah, it was just good for me to put everything aside and just worship Him.

Anyway, then Paul was sharing about 'the cause' and it just so happened I was wearing my 'Created for His cause' camp shirt. Coincidence? Well, probably but yeah whatever. Yeah so he was just talking about stepping up for His (God's) cause and also not fighting alone. But to 'tag' God when we need Him, which is like all the time. (This is not how I planned to write this post but yeah whatever lol).

The best thing about it was that at the end we had a time of worship and all got prayed for. I got a cool prophecy about a garden with orange flowers, which was strange to me but yeah I guess God will reveal more about that and the person praying for me was saying that over summer there will be things I plant (ie. the flowers) that will attract people to the garden/kingdom so yeah pretty cool huh? And, it's all God :)

The other really cool thing was the dog tags which Karen and Paul gave us. They have the verse from Esther which says we have been called to this time, for this cause. Well, not exactly those words but that's how I read it and yeah it's cool cos' this has been a verse which I've stood by and used in all of my tough situations, and in the good times too. So yeah pretty much, God is the man. And you, yep you, have been called to where you are for a reason.

Esther 4:14

New International Version (NIV)
14 For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father’s family will perish. And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?”

BEDD: Day 6 complete.

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