Thursday, 1 December 2011

It's December!!!!!!!!!!

So yeah, if you can't tell I'm pretty much loving the fact that it's December. Because December means Christmas is just around the corner and also summer is (hopefully) coming. I should be cleaning my room but I got distracted. As usual.haha. I never learn do I?

Well, I saw on Laura's blog that she's doing this thing called Blog Every Day of December (BEDD) and since I'm not doing anything this month, well, I thought I'd join her. I may not be the most committed but I'll try, and now realising that I will be away on the 17th, 18th and 19th I feel this may not work, but hey, I'll figure something out, okay? Okay. Cool.

And yeah since December is a month of giving (well, really just Christmas but yeah whatever) I thought I'd also try to do one nice thing for someone in each day of December. (And because I'm cool I wanna name it- so it'll be called my actsofkindness) I love hearing about how people are so blessed by just little things people do for them, and to be honest, I love receiving stuff myself, so yeah why not, right? Well, I'm not too sure exactly how this is going to work but I'm thinking it'll be like me doing small things like baking for someone, or babysitting for free, or just doing stuff that they will benefit from. Yeah so my plan is to do things that will bless other people without spending all of my money (because I have none!) and yeah I hope this works. First of all, I am putting up our Christmas tree! but Rose wanted to put the star on the top so maybe I'll let her do that and yeah I guess helping at the women's BE.LOVED event tonight counts, right? So I wrote this earlier today then went to put up the tree- FAIL. Not all the parts were there so no tree up yet :( but I did help at the women's event so I guess that (Except for leaving slightly early before clean-up, yeah sorry people. Hey, I'm not perfect haha)


(Please don't take offence or think I am trying to make myself look good by doing this act of kindness thing, but please rather take this as an opportunity to do something cool too. And in saying that, I want to make this kind of anonymous but that may change slightly on what exactly the 'act' is. If it's something I feel to share to encourage you to do the same, or whatever, please take it just as that- encouragement cos' it's something that I just thought would be cool to do in the month of giving, yeah sweet as. Thanks!)


  1. Far out man! We had to drag in Sarah McGechie to help! hahahahaha naaah, we still love you! (just a little less now...)

    Yay for your actsofkindess project. Lookin' to hear about that!

  2. Hahahahaha aw yeah so I guess Day One wasn't really all that great but hm glad you guys got it all cleaned up. And yep hopefully more actual 'kindness' stories will come about over the next week or too :)
